Monday, February 22, 2016

Spring Vibes

Hello sweet friends.
I've missed posting so much and I am trying trying trying to make more time for it I promise. Winter just gets me in such a slump and my family & I have been dealing with a lot of stuff lately (good stuff!) so its consumed us for a little bit. One of the things that we are "going through" is trying to have another baby. When we found out about Jaxon's disease (Niemann-Pick Disease Type A) doctors told us that if we tried to have a baby on our own that it would be a 25% chance every time that our baby would have NPD. If you've been told this news as a parent you know that 25% is a scary thing to hear. So we decided to go the IVF route. [Disclaimer: if you have any negative opinions about IVF please keep it to yourself. It is a personal choice which my husband and I are 100% confident we made the right one.] I will let you guys know more details about PGD and IVF in another post because its a long journey, one we started June of 2015 and hopefully will be coming full circle in the next couple months. We can't wait to see Jax as a big brother and the next baby who will make our family stronger. 

I love being a mom and this #ootd is such a comfy outfit for us moms. I basically wear flowing and comfortable clothes 24/7 because its just practical for my life. I linked all the outfit details below. Thanks for stopping by. 
xoxo, Tori.

What I'm wearing: 

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