A lot of you guys have been requesting to see what I wear to the pool/beach when I go. Sadly I have yet to go to the beach yet this summer but luckily I have a pool so I have been spending most of my time there. This weekend my amazing hubby is taking me away to Cape Cod for a "baby moon". I am so excited to spend the weekend by the beach and to spend some time with my husband. This is pretty much what my uniform will be for the weekend so I figured I would share it with you and a couple of things I take with me when I go to the beach. I try to always bring a hat so that I can just throw my hair in a messy bun (like above) and look like I kind of did something with my hair. The hat is also great so you don't have to keep applying sunscreen to your face, which I hate to do! I hope you guys enjoy this post. Happy Wednesday beauties!
xoxo, Tori
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