Hi friends!
This post is all about my little man, Jax. Seriously being a mom is THE best thing that has ever happened to me {aside from marrying my husband, of course} but lets be honest, along with all the amazing things that come with being a mom there are also some not so amazing things.
There are days where I am overwhelmed to the point that I break down and cry. It is not pretty, as you can imagine. There are times where I tell myself I'm not a good mom and I'm not doing a good enough job.
You go from having no sleep while you're pregnant to boom! there is a baby who needs your constant attention. They need you for everything 24/7. Then you have people swinging by your house wanting to see the baby + all you really want to do is snuggle up with your husband + baby and sleep for a week straight.
I went through so many emotions these last three months, the good, the bad and the ugly but I seem to only truly remember all the good.
Being Jaxon's mom has seriously changed the person I am. I look over at him laying beside me in my bed right now and I think to myself, "I made that and he's beautiful". I didn't think it was even possible to love another human with the love I have for my son. Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside your body. You are always trying to protect it and keep it from harm.
So I guess the point of this post is to let all the mommy's know, that you are awesome! Don't beat yourself up if you feel overwhelmed or if you cry uncontrollably or if you can't get everything on your list done that day. Its ok! You're still a great mom! I had a really hard time with trying to be a "perfect" mom when Jax was first born. But I stopped doing that. I stopped caring if Jax was wearing socks constantly or if he had spit up on his onesie. Things just change, priorities change. Its more important to me that Jaxon knows how much my husband and I love him then having a clean house.
Some people probably don't agree but thats ok.
This is just my opinion.
Being a mom is hard.
But I wouldn't change it for the world.
Being a mom is what I am good at and its what I was meant to do.
Thanks for reading loves!
XOXO // Tori
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