So this look is one I wore over the weekend. It snowed a little bit where I live (New England) so I needed to bundle up to keep warm. This sweater is pretty much the warmest I've ever owned. I didn't even need a jacket this day and it was pretty cold.
I hope you guys are having a wonderful week.
I started to read this book "Jesus Prom" and oh my word, let me just say that I cried about three times and I'm not even on the fourth chapter yet {ps I am NOT a cryer} I just wanted to share this book with you because I love a good read and its pretty amazing. Here is one of the things he says in the book that really stuck with me. "When Jesus sees you. He sees all the people you could help if you could just get your eyes off of you. Instead of looking in a mirror, hold a mirror for others. Help people see beyond their pasts and toward their futures." I love this because its so spot on to what I want to do this year with my blog! Its so important to me to make sure the people who follow my blog understand its not just about the superficial. Its about coming together to help each other feel good about ourselves + hopefully being nice will become the latest trend.
I want to make women of all ages feel like they have a place to go to get advice and talk to their friend {me} about life, fashion + everything in between!
Happy Tuesday loves!
xo xo. tori
HAT: urban outfitters // CARDI: urban outfitters // SWEATER: urban outfitters // JEANS: treasure&bond // BOOTS: uggs // SCARF: target // LIPS: revlon //
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